The PRALINE Project:
Promoting Adult Learning in Networks
The Aim of the PRALINE Project
Starting Date: 15th January 2021
Duration: 36 months
One of the primary general objectives of this project is establishment, development and strengthening of the networks associated with the partner organisations in order to support regional, national and international collaboration with an aim of promoting Adult Learning Education. Development and strengthening of the networks will in turn strengthen the existing EUproVET network, a representational platform for European VET and Adult Education providers’ associations at both national or regional level.
EUproVET was launched in 2009, the current members are the provider associations from FI, IE, NL, SI, and UK. All members share a strong commitment to Adult Learning and Education (ALE). In order to increase the EUproVET-membership, to learn from each other and to support the position of other ALE and VET associations, we aim to enlarge EUproVET with new members from EE, HR, ES, FR, DE, PT and TR.
New members will use the wider EUproVET network to both strengthen support regionally or nationally and to promote and widen their international cooperation around ALE at practitioner and policy level.
Lead Partner:
MBO Raad, Netherlands
Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI), Ireland
Ammattiosaamisen Kehittämisyhdistys AMKE Ry, Finland
Skupnost Zavodov Konzorcij Solskih Centrov, Slovenia
Estonian Association For Advancement Of Vocational Education, Estonia
Ikaslan Bizkaia. Asoc. De Directores/As De Inst. Pcos. De Secu, Spain
Asociacion De Centros De Formación Profesional Fpempresa, Spain
Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et, France
Associacao Nacional De Escolas Profissionais, Portugal
Hrvatsko Andragosko Drustvo, Croatia
Bundesverband Der Trager Beruflicher Bildung Ev, Germany
Read more about the project partners
22-23 May 2023 PLA7 Face to face in Finland
The next meeting will be held in Helsinki.
30-31 January 2023 PLA6 Face to face in France
The sixth PLA meeting took place in La Rochelle.
6-7 October 2022 PLA5 Face to face in Estonia
The fifth PLA meeting took place in Tallinn.
10-11 May 2022 PLA4 Face to face in Irland
The fourth PLA meeting took place in Dublin. Read more.
14-15 March 2022 PLA3 Face to face in Portugal
The third PLA meeting took place in Lisbon. Read more.
7- 8 October 2021 PLA2 Face to face in Spain
The second PLA of the project took place at the beginning of October in the city of Valencia. Read more.
10 March 2021 PLA1 online
The session was hosted by the French project partner. The main theme was Europe and the challenges of sustainability, greening and circular economy.
11 February 2021 Kick off, part 2 online
The partners got an overview about adult education in Spain and presentation about the Finnish educational reform.
16 December 2020 Kick off, part 1 online
The participants introduced themselves and described the situation in their country and their expectations for this project. Partners discussed about project roles, finances and main tasks/obligations.
Presentations, articles and podcasts
PLA 6 in La Rochelle, Good practice cases:
Good practice 1, Vocational Training in France and Good practice 2, Vocational training organisations at the service of rural development in rural areas, Philippe Ristord
Good practice 3, The job of »Monitor«, Sandrine Guibert, Monitor training, Mathias Ledouce
Good practice 4, Zero carbon territory, Joffrey Perrussel, Julien Cluchague (University of La Rochelle)
Good practice 5, The Quality approach of training centres in France, Emmanuel Cléro
Good practice 6, Discovia, Judith Fischer, Yann Mengus
PLA5 in Tallinn: Digitalisation, Automation and Artificial Intelligence - Upskilling and reskilling adults in a digital age. Good practice cases.
PLA4 in Dublin: Design Thinking ProVET workshop by Dr Hilary Kenna
PLA4 in Dublin, Good Practice Cases:
FET Sector overview and ETBI Digital Library by David Hughes
FET Response to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis by Fergus Craddock
Considering ESOL from the national policy perspective Expert presentation from SOLAS by Roisin Doherty
PLA3 in Lisbon, Good Practice Cases:
Adult Qualification in Portugal by Alexandra Teixeira
Methodologies and practices in adult education by Hugo Martins
Recognition and school validation of informal and non formal skills by Maria Helena Nunes and José Bourbon
Article: PTA in France by Philippe Ristord
Podcast 2: An interview with Meeli Kaldma and Triin Laasi-Õige about Estonia, known as the most digital country
Podcast 1: An interview with Manfred Polzin and Marquerite Hogg about Challenges in adult education
Results will be published here.